Nonrelativistic multiscale systems with Effective Field Theories
Nonrelativistic bound states lie at the core of quantum physics, permeating the fabric of nature across diverse realms, spanning particle to nuclear physics, and from condensed matter to astrophysics. These systems are pivotal in addressing contemporary challenges at the forefront of particle physics. Characterized by distinct energy scales, they serve as unique probes of complex environments. Historically, their incorporation into quantum field theory was fraught with difficulty until the emergence of nonrelativistic effective field theories (NREFTs).
In this colloquium, we delve into the construction of a potential NREFT (pNREFT), a framework that directly tackles bound state dynamics reimagining quantum mechanics from field theory. Focusing on heavy quarkonia, pNRQCD facilitates systematic definitions and precise calculations for high-energy collider observables.
At the cutting edge, we investigate nonrelativistic bound states in intricate environments, like the newly discovered exotics X, Y, Z above the strong decay threshold and the behavior in out-of-equilibrium scenarios, such as quarkonium suppression in a Quark Gluon Plasma or dark matter interactions in the early universe. Our ability to achieve precision calculations and control strongly interacting systems is closely linked to bridging perturbative methods with nonperturbative tools, notably numerical lattice gauge theories.
Nora Brambilla是粒子物理与核物理领域国际顶级专家学者。她的研究兴趣在于理论粒子与核物理;强相互作用物质;用于标准模型的有效场论、有限温度量子色动力学、夸克胶子等离子体、非平衡态物理学、格点量子色动力学以及非微扰技术。她的成名作是提出了pNREFT(势非相对论有效场论)理论,建立了用量子场论系统精确描述量子力学问题的桥梁。
2023 年获得欧洲研究理事会高级资助项目,项目名称为 “EFT-XYZ:利用有效场论理解并预测 XYZ 奇异强子的性质”。2012 年当选为美国物理学会会士,表彰其在重夸克-反夸克系统理论方面的贡献,包括新有效场论的发展,以及通过创立并领导夸克偶素工作组对夸克偶素物理学领域所做出的贡献。她创立了国际夸克偶素工作组(QWG,2002 年成立)和夸克禁闭系列会议(1994开始)。


谈承泰 2301110106@stu.pku.edu.cn